UNIO: The Academy of Sacred Union

Discover your kin & unite with your soul’s calling to truly live your myth

Old souls in this new world experience particular challenges that are unique to them, they include:

  • The Search & Actualisation of Their Soul’s Purpose: Perhaps the clearest sign of an old soul is the undeniable sense that they came here to be of deep service, even if they’re not yet clear how. Whilst they may feel the understandable pull to attend to usual aspects of life such as their relationships or raising children, they can’t dismiss the call of their soul to something that lies beyond that, however difficult, disruptive or unwelcome that feels.
  • Challenges Conforming & Complying: Old souls often experience great challenges conforming to the status quo, feeling like they can’t or are just unwilling to relinquish their freedom to fit in with the controlling conditioning, demands, and values of the mainstream modern culture. 
  • Overwhelming Sensitivity & Empathy: Old souls often possess a heightened sensitivity to the emotions and energies around them, sometimes due to forms of neurodivergence, making them attuned to subtle nuances in their environment, which can feel overwhelming, even unbearable at times.
  • Struggling with this Crazy Modern World: Old souls often struggle with the incessant intensity of the shallow, fast-paced, productivity-focused, consumption-orientated, technology-driven way of living in today’s world, yearning for the deeper, slower-paced, nature-based, soulful way of life that humans evolved with.
  • Shamanic Sickness: Some old souls may experience an intense openness to spiritual energies. This heightened awareness may manifest in extreme physical, mental or emotional challenges, serving as a sign of the spirits initiating and calling them. This can be terrifying when it’s not understood and there’s a lack of guidance to move through it.
  • Feeling Lonely & Misunderstood: Due to their unique perspectives and depth of insight, old souls experience difficulties in forming connections with the people around them who are unable to understand their profound worldview, resulting in a sense of isolation and a lack of belonging to the like-minded, like-souled community they know they’re here for.
  • A Lack of Role Models & Mentors: Culturally, there are very few models of the mature roles and ancient archetypes that old souls have come here to live out, and a dire lack of mentors, elders, and teachers who can guide them in the deep alchemical work of actualising union with their unique soul.

Which is why we created UNIO...

We created UNIO, the Academy of Sacred Union, because nothing else exists to meet the particular challenges that old souls face in this new world.

The word 'Unio' is from Latin and means union, oneness, and unity. 

It is the perfect name for the academy because our work is all in service of union... Sacred Union of all kinds, including between Masculine and Feminine, with other people, with our own souls, and with spirit.

Training in the alchemical arts for old souls in this new world… 

UNIO is a magic school, an ancient mystery school, a temple space, and a sacred place where truth is discovered, where the challenges of the modern world can be met with a courageous heart, where you can find your soul kin, and be guided by experienced mentors and teachers into alchemical inner work of Sacred Union.

Ancient ways for modern days...

We will journey deeply on the Be Mythical path which alchemises ancient ways for modern days, including archetypes, shadow work, alchemy, embodiment, ascension spirituality, shamanic and nature-based practices, and more… Focusing on teachings, rituals, ceremonies, and initiations that activate, illuminate, heal, and ultimately create union with soul and spirit.

UNIO is the place, the work and the path to discover your kin and unite with your soul’s calling to truly live your myth.

So, if you're ready to begin or go deeper on the path of your soul, join us at the academy... Together, we will embark on a profound journey of discovery in service of Sacred Union.

The doors are open, 
your adventure awaits....